HFU Student Clubs

The Possibilities Are Endless.

At Holy Family, our Student Clubs help students harness their interests--and add valuable experience to their resumes. Browse the clubs below and complete our quick form to let us know you are interested. A club representative will be in touch with details and next steps about getting involved.

Albertans Science Club

The Albertans, Holy Family University’s science club, fosters interest in the various fields of science with exhibits, films, and tours. Although most members have a concentration in science, it is not required for membership. 

For more information, email Albertans@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Aspiring Educators

The Aspiring Educators Club is devoted to education in all its levels (early childhood, elementary, middle, secondary and special education) and shall assist one another as members and new educators in order to grow professionally, personally and socially.

For more information, email AspiringEducators@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Beyond the Book Club

Beyond The Book, book club is a place for people who have a love of literature to explore that and share their thoughts and opinions with other literature lovers. We read a different book each month and discuss what we thought of the book. Our goal is to make reading a major part of everyone's day to day lives and help people to stay educated. 

For more information, email hfubookclub@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Black Student Union

Black Student Union offers a safe space at Holy Family for Black/African American students while also spreading awareness and unifying members of the community. One main goal for BSU is to celebrate and expose the campus to the value of Black/African American culture through events and experiences. BSU's core values are Family, Empowerment, Attitude, Social responsibility, and Trust, F.E.A.S.T! 

For more information, email bsu@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Business Society

The Business Society is open to all students at Holy Family University.

Students are exposed to a host of personal development opportunities during the academic year, including tours of local companies in the Philadelphia area, hosting seminars and forums with local business leaders, and participating in community service projects.

For more information, email BusinessSociety@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form.

CAPE Crusaders

The CAPE (Campus Advocacy, Prevention, and Education) Crusaders are a team of dedicated students who work to end all gender-based violence on campus (Sexual Assault, Dating/Domestic Violence, and Stalking). Members help facilitate events, training, workshops and educational programming geared towards the prevention and advocacy of all gender-based violence.

For more information, email cape@annccb.com, follow us on Instagram - @HFUCape, or simply fill out the Join A Club form.

To learn more about the CAPE office, click here.

Dance Team

Holy Family University Dance Team is dedicated to training dancers, learning choreography, and providing performance opportunities. This team is meant for students who have an interest in learning different dance styles while supporting our athletic teams, providing excitement/enthusiasm for the fans, and showing school spirit.

For more information, email DanceTeam@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form.

Environmental Club

The Environmental Club is a passionate group dedicated to promoting sustainability, protecting our planet, and interacting with the natural world around us. Through activities like clothing drives, cleanups, and various other activities, we work together to make a positive impact on our community and the world. Join us in creating a greener, healthier future for everyone whilst also embracing the joy of nature.

For more information, email environmentalclub@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form.

The FAM Zone

The Fam Zone is Holy Family University’s official student section club, dedicated to bringing energy, enthusiasm, and support to all athletic events on campus. Our mission is to foster a spirited community where students, athletes, and fans come together to celebrate school pride and cheer on our Tigers. From organizing themed game nights to promoting campus unity, The Fam Zone is at the heart of HFU’s sports culture.

For more information, email famzone@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form.

Film Club

By participating in this film club, students will have the opportunity to watch films and discuss them with their peers. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to make their own short films and create their own forms of media. The goal of this club is to provide everyone with a creative outlet and a form of self expression.  

For more information, email filmclub@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form.


Folio is a group of students who design and publish a literary magazine, which serves as a means of expression for creative writing and other artistic endeavors.

Folio hosts open submissions for the University community to submit their personal work for publication consideration.

For more information, email Folio@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter

A service-oriented organization that supports the efforts of Habitat for Humanity through the Holy Family University Habitat Chapter.

During spring break, students travel to a predetermined job site to work for a week with Habitat for Humanity through Holy Family’s Alternative Spring Break trip. 

For more information, email HabitatForHumanity@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Pre-Healthcare Association

The Pre-Healthcare Association is open to all students who have an interest in applying to medical school. The club will provide support and guidance to all aspiring physicians at Holy Family University. Active members will engage in active preparation for the Medical College Aptitude Test (MCAT) and be given tools to actively seek out community service, clinical volunteering, and research positions to make them more competitive applicants.

In addition, advice will be provided to help members plan their course schedules, co-curriculars, and other involvements in order to ensure students will be ready to apply when the time comes.

Members will also learn about the various medical specialties, application techniques, the interview process, and test preparation.

For more information, email HFUPreHealthCare@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Social and Behavioral Sciences Association (SBS)

The purpose of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Association Is to further an interest in various fields of human services by means of lectures, films, and community-service field trips. Membership is open to all students.

For more information, email SBSClub@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Spectrum, An LGBTQIA+ Student Alliance

Spectrum provides an inclusive and supportive environment for members of the extended Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community.

Spectrum has three core mission areas: Social, Awareness/Education, and Advocacy. Spectrum strives to provide engaging and educational programming, outreach to community and University organizations to establish bonds and partnerships, and be a welcoming, friendly, and supportive community and an upstanding, positive, and enriching component of the broader culture of the Holy Family community.

Allies of the extended LGBTQIA+ community are welcome at Spectrum sponsored events and programs.

For more information, email Spectrum@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Student Government Association (SGA)

SGA fosters unity, empowers student engagement, and advocates change by students for students. SGA supports the mission of Holy Family University by assisting in the creation and sustainability of a diverse and engaged campus; provides an open forum for students to voice concerns and actively pursue resolutions; and serves as the undergraduate student liaisons to University administration, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees.

For more information, email SGA@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Student Nurses Association of Holy Family (SNAHF)

SNAHF is a state-level, pre-professional organization that represents the interests of nursing students. It is a constituent of the National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc., the largest independent student organization in the country.

For more information, email SNAHF@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Student Visual Arts Association (SVAA)

SVAA aims to bring together students interested in the visual arts. Activities are group generated and include community service in the visual arts, open discussions of timely visual arts issues, and group trips to art exhibits. It is an organization that supports service to others, is dedicated to the exploration of diverse points of views and provides the opportunity for students to grow intellectually.

For more information, email svaa@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form

Theater Club

Welcome to Holy Family’s Theater Club! We're so excited to bring a variety of fun and exciting events to campus, including open mic nights, presentation nights, and showcases featuring scenes and one act plays. Our goal is to help students improve their public speaking skills and boost their overall self confidence.

For more information, email theaterclub@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form


Tri-Lite has been the official student newspaper of Holy Family University since 1954. Tri-Lite provides student journalists opportunities to hone their craft and prepare for a career in the evolving media landscape. Tri-Lite moved from a print publication to a digital presence in October 2017. 

For more information, email Tri-Lite@annccb.com or simply fill out the Join A Club form